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MacWrangler 44

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MacWrangler 44

Dear non-Russian speaking members and guests! This topic is intended for your communication with our Russian-speaking community. You can post your opinion in English, French, German and Spanish. The Russian-speaking members are obliged to post here in these languages, too. The use of Russian here is strictly prohibited and will be moderated. We will try to reply you in the language of each thread's original message as soon and as complete as possible. So please, don't write in other languages (than above-mentioned) if you would like to be heard! :smile


1й.jpg"New Thread" Button

2й.jpg- "Post Reply" Button


3й.jpg - "Reply with Quote" Button

4й.jpg- "Change Reply" Button

Форум "If you don't speak Russian..." предназначен для общения с нерусскоязычными гостями сайта. Использование русского языка в данном форуме признается неуважением к собеседникам, поэтому его использование запрещено.
Если вам требуется помощь в переводе - используйте, например, онлайновый переводчик (особенно удобен после регистрации). 



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